
100 Days Of Data Science Challenge;

100 DAYS!

Hey there!

I am going to take on a 100-day data science challenge. Below is the road map I created for myself.

Basic Tools

-> MySQL
-> Python
-> NumPy
-> Pandas
-> SciPy
-> Scikit-Learn


-> Matplotlib
-> Seaborn
-> Plotly
-> Power BI


-> Beautiful Soup
-> Scrapy
-> Selenium


-> Git and GitHub

Machine Learning

-> Machine Learning Fundamentals
-> Supervised Learning Algorithms + Projects
-> Unsupervised Learning Algorithms + Projects


-> Containerization: Docker or Kubernetes
-> Cloud: AWS or Google Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure
-> Web-Frameworks: Flask or Django

Deep Learning

-> Deep Learning Fundamentals
-> DL Frameworks: Keras, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.

Huff, there is a lot to cover.

So, tomorrow is May 1 then my challenge will go on till August 8. That’s a long journey.

Here is my plan. I am going to wake up at 3 AM every single day for the next 100 days to stay consistent with this challenge. If I don’t wake up early or if I try to do this challenge in between my days I know for sure I will miss it.

But at 3 AM no one can disturb me, and I can freely do my challenge.

After waking up I am going to spend 1 hour, just 1 hour learning the tools and concepts I mentioned in my roadmap.

So, I will be learning 1 hour every day for the next 100 days which cumulates to 100 hours. (100 hours of DS😃).

My learning resources will be.



Courses (Like Coursera, Udemy, or any other).


Websites (W3Schools, GeeksForGeeks, and more)

I will write articles after completing a milestone. For example, After completely learning MySQL, I will write a comprehensive article on Medium, and if possible I will also make a Video on YouTube.

In-between days I will also share my progress and how everything is going through my articles.

If you are interested in this you can join me we can take this challenge together and keep each other accountable. If you are interested just message me on X. This is my account 👉 AbbasAli_X.

If many people join I will create a WhatsApp group and we can all share what we are learning, how we are learning, and from where we are learning, and we can even clear our doubts with our fellow mates.

Also, when we learn as a community it will be more fun and helpful.

One thing that I want to keep in mind is this, “It’s okay if you are not able to understand something, it’s not about understanding everything, it is about learning consistently”.

There are a lot of tools to learn, but you know what, after completing this challenge we can add a lot of skills to our resume.

Remember just 1 hour every day.

So, tomorrow let’s start with MySQL.

Also, don’t forget to grab my FREE E-Book, which is a compilation of all the projects I did during my 30-Day ML project Challenge. Use the below link to get the book.

P.S. You can connect, support, and engage with me using the below links.

X: AbbasAli_X ✖️

BuyMeACoffee: AbbasAli 🍵

Instagram: iam.abbas.ali ℹ️

Youtube: Abbas_Ali ▶️

Also, along with this challenge, I am going to exercise(at least 30 minutes), meditate(10 minutes), and read books(at least 20 minutes) for the next 100 days. I will share my body transformation picture 😋.

(Hey, I am not a complete beginner I already have basic knowledge of a few tools I mentioned in my roadmap, but I haven’t used them for a very long time, I may complete the “Basic Tools” and “Machine Learning” section pretty quickly don’t get discouraged by that. No problem if you are learning slowly, but learn consistently).

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