
Atari 50 getting 39 new games in DLC detailing Intellivision "console war"


A screenshot showing an Atari 2600 with an Asteroid cartridge inserted, connected to a joystick and TV.
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration - the acclaimed Atari-themed interactive museum from developer Digital Eclipse - is adding 39 new games later this year in an expansion detailing further events in the company's eventful history.

"Highlights from the new timeline," explains Atari, "include a deep dive into Stern Electronics' robot-blasting Berzerk; unusual and underappreciated innovations and hidden gems from the late 1980s; a spotlight on the artist Evelyn Seto, who helped create the iconic 'Fuji' Atari logo; Pong creator Al Alcorn explaining the birth of Breakout; and an exploration of the fan base's role in discovering unreleased prototypes, creating 'homebrew' games, and preserving Atari history."

Atari 50 already got 12 more retro games in a free update last year.Watch on YouTube

As for the Expanded Edition's second new timeline, that's called The First Console War and it details the long-running rivalry between the Atari 2600 and Mattel's Intellivision - a brand Atari notably purchased back in May, securing the rights to over 200 games at the same time. This segment promises six video segments and 20 playable games, including a selection of M Network games, a mix of Atari and M Network sports games, plus rare Atari 2600 and 5200 prototypes.

Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration Expanded Edition will be available as a digital standalone release and as DLC for the existing version of the game. Both launch for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, Switch, and PC on 25th October, with PS5 and Switch also getting a physical version of the Expanded Edition.

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