
Samsung's Galaxy Unpacked Invite Is Here. When New Foldables, AI Updates Could Arrive


We may also get new smartwatches and more details on the highly anticipated Galaxy Ring

Samsung Galaxy Unpacked summer 2024 invite

Get ready for plenty of AI at Samsung's Galaxy Unpacked summer keynote.


On Tuesday, Samsung sent out invites for its summer Galaxy Unpacked event, which takes place July 10 at 6 a.m. PT (9 a.m. ET, 3 p.m. CEST) in Paris, just ahead of the Summer Olympics. The animated invite shows a 3D cube spinning at its point on a flat surface, which then subsequently projects the Eiffel Tower and the stars logo for Galaxy AI. The static invite simply shows the Galaxy AI logo.

In a more detailed press release, Samsung touts the arrival of "The next frontier of Galaxy AI," a suite of software features the company debuted earlier this year designed to improve and simplify various tasks, like photo editing and search.

The device maker is expected to unveil new foldable phones, including the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6. The press release notes Galaxy AI is "now infused into the latest Galaxy Z series and the entire Galaxy ecosystem."

Unpacked could also usher in the Galaxy Watch 7, as well as a more powerful Ultra version and a more budget-friendly Samsung Galaxy Watch FE. It's possible we'll get new earbuds in the form of the Galaxy Buds 3 and Buds 3 Pro. 

Perhaps most notably, this summer's Unpacked event could offer more details about the long-awaited Galaxy Ring, which Samsung teased during its January Unpacked event. We may finally learn more about its price, availability and specs. 

Ahead of the event, Samsung says customers who reserve a new Galaxy device on Samsung.com will get $50 in instant credit, and save up to $1,500 on a device preorder. This offer is available today through July 10.

Samsung typically hosts two Unpacked events each year: one that takes place around January or February, during which it unveils the latest Galaxy S lineup, and another in the summer, which tends to take place in July or August and is focused on foldables. This year's event is being held earlier than previous years, to capitalize on the buzz surrounding the Summer Olympics in Paris, which kicks off July 26.

Samsung will livestream the event at Samsung.com, on the Samsung Newsroom and on the company's YouTube channel starting at 6 a.m. PT (9:00 a.m. ET). As always, CNET's experts will be on the ground covering everything announced.

Let the games begin.

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