
Verizon’s new V logo arrives as the lines blur between 5G, Fios, and streaming / The Verizon checkmark is gone as the company recasts itself as a ‘one-stop-shop’ for internet and entertainment.


The new V-shaped logo next to the name Verizon.
Image: Verizon

Verizon has ditched its checkmark logo for a red and yellow “V” and, with the change, introduced a new commercial that revisits its “Can you hear me now?” tagline. It also announced updated home internet plans, now called “myHome,” that include a slew of service bundles like Disney Plus and Netflix as well as cloud storage options or a Walmart Plus subscription.

In the ad spot, that “now” turns into a lot more than just talking, with streaming video, filming TikToks, gaming, and FaceTiming shown to hammer home the point that this connection does a lot more than it did in 2002 when the campaign started. (That Paul Marcarelli, the original Verizon guy, defected to Sprint in 2016 goes unmentioned.)H

ere’s the old logo and the new one in case you want to play a little game of “spot the differences.”

A comparison showing Verizon’s old black logo with a checkmark at the top, and the new red one at the bottom
So long checkmark!
 Image: Verizon

Meanwhile, in its MyHome offers, the services are $10 per month each so far, just like its myPlan offerings. Later this summer, the company says it’ll start offering Apple One bundles with iCloud Plus, Apple Arcade, Apple TV Plus, and Apple Music, too. (It didn’t announce pricing for that, however.) It also has its own cloud storage offering at the $10 monthly price point.

The internet plans, which will be 5G or LTE fixed wireless plans for most, start at $35.99 per month if you sign up for its phone plans and autopay. If you’re lucky, 5G plans could be as fast as 300Mbps (or up to a gigabit with its 5G Home Plus service). Verizon says its LTE plans get up to 50Mbps downloads. That pricing also applies to its Fios plans.

A graphic showing Verizon’s new home internet offerings.
Verizon’s new myHome internet plans.
 Image: Verizon

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