A better internet, together Save the date: Medium Day is August 17—if you’d like to be a speaker, you can apply starting today.

We’re building a better internet. But we can’t do it alone. So join us on August 17th for the second-annual Medium Day — a can’t-miss free, live, online conference bringing together people from across our community to connect in a way that inspires, informs, and empowers.

Last year, over 10,000 people joined for Medium Day to learn from Medium’s community of writers and publications. We’re making a better internet, together, and this year’s Medium Day is a chance to see that internet embodied.

As our CEO Tony Stubblebine recently wrote about Medium’s mission:

The internet is broken and getting worse. It’s flooded with ads, spam, misinformation, disinformation, division, and hate.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. There is a healthy way to talk to each other that inspires, informs, empowers, and brings people together.

We’ll kick off at 9:00 a.m. EDT with a keynote from Tony, followed by a day of sessions focused on a specific set of ten essential topics: programmingtechnologyidentitypoliticsclimatewritingculturedesign, and health. Wait, that’s only nine! Oh yes — the tenth topic is “more,” where we’ll be taking inspiration from ideas from the community (if you’re interested in speaking, read on below).

Join us for a day that highlights just how good the internet can be and celebrates the Medium community.

As an attendee, you’ll have a range of sessions to go to over the course of the day, from our opening keynote to speaker sessions on the range of topics listed above. Each topic will have a “track” throughout the day, making it easy for you to find which sessions you want to attend. Sessions at Medium Day are very focused: A short talk from experts in their fields on a single subject, followed by a Q&A with the audience. We want you to walk away from each session having learned something new, and talks are geared towards engaging with the audience. As we start to confirm speakers and sessions, we’ll share the schedule with you. Be on the lookout for an attendee registration link coming soon.

As a speaker, you’ll give a short talk on a specific topic (the nine listed above, or pitch us a new topic of your choosing, see the session application below), followed by Q&A and discussion with the audience — the goal of your session should be to deepen the attendees’ understanding of the world by teaching them something new. We say “no slides” to keep the session focused on discussion. And we’ll be doing promotion for the event, but ask all speakers to do their part by bringing their audience along, too — we’re building, together! Our team will also be supporting Medium Day speakers with training on how to run their sessions.

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