Can You Pass This Apple-Orange Interview At Apple ๐ŸŽ?

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The iPhone Company’s Interview Question

Have you ever dreamed of working at Apple? If you have, this brain teaser is for you!

This is a fun logic puzzle that anyone who Medium reader will have the knowledge to solve ๐Ÿง 

Here's a hint: it's actually not that hard …

I recommend you pause the article, grab your pen and paper, and give this a go. When you are ready, keep reading for the solution! ✒️


So there is one box with only apples. One box with only oranges. And one box with both apples and oranges.

And all three boxes are named incorrectly.

This is in fact the key to this brain teaser ๐ŸŠ


Let us look at the diagram above.

If a box is labelled with both apples and oranges, this means it can either have only apples or only oranges.

Case 1: Apple + Orange Label Has Apples


If we draw from the box labelled with apples and oranges and draw an apple, we know that box must only contain apples.

That means there are two other labels for two boxes.

The only way for those two boxes to be incorrectly labelled is for the box labelled ๐ŸŽ to contain [๐ŸŠ] and the box labelled ๐ŸŠ to contain both [๐ŸŽ + ๐ŸŠ]

Case 2: Apple + Orange Label Oranges


Equally if we draw from the box labelled with apples and oranges and draw an orange, we know that box must only contain oranges.

That means there are two other labels for two boxes.

The only way for those two boxes to be incorrectly labelled is for the box labelled ๐ŸŽ to contain both [๐ŸŽ + ๐ŸŠ] and the box labelled ๐ŸŠ to contain [๐ŸŠ]

Did it make sense?

You Should Answer It Like This

So if you were asked this question, you should always pick a fruit from the box labelled [๐ŸŽ + ๐ŸŠ]. And you can apply the reasoning above to ace your interview at Apple!

Photo by Laurenz Heymann on Unsplash

How amazing ๐Ÿ‘ง

What was your thought process this time? Comment down below, I am eager to know :) ๐Ÿ’ž

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buy me an apple ๐Ÿ?

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Love, Bella ❤️

ุฅุฑุณุงู„ ุชุนู„ูŠู‚

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