I Found the Best Apps for Productivity in 2024

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Discovering useful apps in the always changing world of productivity tools can greatly improve your workflow. After doing a lot of research, I've found a few excellent but lesser-known apps and web tools that can increase your productivity in 2024. These are some unusual solutions that you may not be familiar with, each providing special features to simplify your work and increase productivity.

For a bonus, I also added a list of 500+ coolest AI tools and websites at the bottom

1. Audionotes


Platform: iOS, Android, Web Website: Audionotes

Audionotes is an innovative app that turns your spoken thoughts into clear, organized text notes using AI. Whether you're in a meeting, attending a lecture, or brainstorming ideas, Audionotes can capture your voice and convert it into text with remarkable accuracy. The app also offers features like task management, integrations with popular tools, and seamless sharing options. Audionotes is perfect for anyone who prefers speaking over typing and needs a reliable way to keep track of their notes.

2. BoltAI


Platform: macOS Website: BoltAI

BoltAI is a powerful and beautifully designed ChatGPT application for Mac users. It provides instant access to the capabilities of ChatGPT directly from your desktop, allowing you to generate high-quality content, get coding assistance within your IDE, and learn faster with AI. BoltAI's intuitive interface and seamless integration with other tools make it an excellent addition to any productivity toolkit.

3. CompressX


Platform: macOS Website: CompressX

CompressX is a powerful offline media compression tool that can significantly reduce file sizes without compromising quality. It supports video, image, and GIF compression, offering up to 90% file size reduction. CompressX is particularly useful for professionals dealing with large media files, as it allows for batch compression and supports multiple formats including MP4, WebM, and WebP. The app's advanced features, such as monitoring folders for automatic compression and compatibility with transparent video, make it a versatile and essential tool for boosting productivity in media management.

4. Slite


Platform: iOS, Android, Web Website: Slite

Slite is a collaborative documentation tool that helps teams create, share, and organize their knowledge. It's ideal for remote teams looking to keep everyone on the same page. With Slite, you can write notes, collaborate on documents, and manage projects all in one place. Its clean and intuitive interface makes it easy to use and highly effective for team productivity.

5. Krisp


Platform: iOS, Android, macOS, Windows Website: Krisp

Krisp is an innovative app that enhances the quality of your audio calls by removing background noise in real time. Whether you're working from a bustling coffee shop or a noisy home environment, Krisp ensures your voice is clear and uninterrupted. It's compatible with all major communication apps, making it a must-have for anyone who spends a lot of time on calls.

6. Motion


Platform: Web WebsiteMotion

Motion is an all-in-one tool that helps you manage your tasks, calendar, and emails. It uses AI to automatically prioritize and schedule your tasks, ensuring you focus on what's most important. Motion's smart calendar integration helps you find optimal times for deep work, meetings, and breaks, making it easier to maintain a balanced and productive workflow.

7. Brain.fm


Platform: iOS, Android, Web Website: Brain.fm

Brain.fm uses AI to create music that improves focus and helps in relaxation and sleep. The app's music is scientifically designed to enhance cognitive functions and help you achieve a state of deep concentration. Whether you're working on a complex project or simply need to unwind, Brain.fm's tailored soundtracks can significantly boost your productivity and well-being.

8. Magical


Platform: Chrome Extension WebsiteMagical

Magical is a powerful Chrome extension that automates repetitive tasks and saves you time. It allows you to create custom keyboard shortcuts for text expansion, form filling, and other common tasks. By streamlining your workflow, Magical helps you accomplish more in less time, making it an invaluable tool for busy professionals.

9. Superhuman


Platform: iOS, Web WebsiteSuperhuman

Superhuman is an email client designed for speed and efficiency. It has an elegant and user-friendly UI with strong features like AI triage, undo send, and follow-up reminders. You can stay on top of your email game with Superhuman's keyboard shortcuts and advanced search features, which make managing your inbox a breeze.

10. NotePlan


Platform: iOS, macOS, web WebsiteNotePlan

NotePlan combines markdown notes, calendar integration, and task management in one cohesive app. It's perfect for those who prefer a text-based approach to organizing their thoughts and tasks. Its simple yet powerful features make it a great tool for personal productivity.

Bonus: 500+ Coolest AI Websites & Apps


These unique apps offer innovative solutions to help you manage your time, stay focused, and accomplish more. Try them out and see how they can transform your productivity in 2024.

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