Nick Says You Can Make $145 Per Hour With ChatGPT For Free. Here's how.

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Is This Method Worth Trying Out?

I used to watch a ton of videos on YouTube on how to make money online,

I stopped doing it a long time ago since I found out that almost all of them are completely BS.

Yesterday I came across a video by a YouTuber by the name of Dave Nick saying that you can "Earn $145/Hour with ChatGPT For FREE".

And I thought what kind of bs is this?

So, I decided to write a little review article on this video so that you guys can find out whether or not it is worth trying out.

If you guys want to check out the video you can here:

What Is The Method?

Nick suggests a way to earn money online by providing free books on X through written threads.

Here's how it works:

You enroll in a program called Audible,

Which offers a creator program allowing you to invite others to sign up for a free trial on their website.

When someone signs up for this trial through your invitation, you receive a $5 commission.

Your task is simple:

promote free ebooks to visitors so they can sign up for a trial, and you earn money in return.


I honestly think this is a smart and effective way to make money,


Only if you already have a large audience.

How You Will Get Traffic To Your Link:

Now, the big question:

how do you drive traffic to those affiliate links?


Nick has a strategy for that too.

He suggests using ChatGPT and the Ultimate X Twitter content creator.


With ChatGPT, you can identify popular book niches and craft compelling Twitter threads summarizing key insights from these books.

These threads serve a dual purpose:

They provide value to your audience and swiftly promote the affiliate links included within.

But let's be real here.

Building a substantial following on Twitter<X> takes time and effort.

So, if you're starting from scratch,

It might be a slow burn before you see significant results.

Sure, the method sounds promising, but it's not a get-rich-quick scheme by any means.

It requires:



and a bit of luck to gain traction on social media platforms like Twitter <X>.


What To Do Instead

Instead of just using Twitter, try other methods too.

You could start a blog or website about the books you want to promote.

Write reviews and helpful articles to attract people who are interested in those books.

You can also collect email addresses from people who visit your site and send them useful content and special offers.

Instead of just promoting Audible, look for other companies with better deals.

There might be affiliate programs that pay more or have products your audience would like even more.

By trying different approaches and staying open to new ideas, you can find the best way to make money online that works for you.

To Wrap it Up

Although Nick's strategy is smart to do, you will still need to grow an ideal audience on Twitter before actually making money.

If we're being honest here, I don't think making $145/hour is possible with this method.

You can maybe make a couple hundred dollars a month but that's if you already have an audience.

In my opinion, if you don't already have an audience I don't recommend trying this method out.

Thank you for reading❤

Don't forget to check out Nick Dave's channel on YouTube, he shares a ton of methods on how to make money online.

Also, this article was inspired by another writer on this platform: Britt Malka 🦊

Make sure to go check out her page.

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