Artificial intelligence

I'm Unemployed for Over Two Years (as a software engineer)

In 2022, I worked on a contract as a software engineer at Apple. Apple dissolved our entire team right before the 2022 tech recession started. It mig…

Excel×AI product developed with no code reached a monthly revenue of $220k! Mr. David Bressle

Hello! I'm Yuma Ueno( ). I'm challenging to launch 12 startups in 12 months(Recently launched:   https://books-e…

I Tried the Most Popular ChatGPT Hacks

Chatbot Jailbreak Prompts — Careful What You Wish For 3 . Skynet Probably the least known but maybe most dangerous chatbot on this list, Skynet outpu…

6 Legit Apps To Make Truly Passive Income By Having Your Computer Turned On.

Discover how to earn passive income by simply leaving your computer running. Here are six methods that can help you monetize your idle computer time.…
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