
I Tried the Most Popular ChatGPT Hacks

Chatbot Jailbreak Prompts — Careful What You Wish For 3 . Skynet Probably the least known but maybe most dangerous chatbot on this list, Skynet outpu…

A better internet, together Save the date: Medium Day is August 17—if you’d like to be a speaker, you can apply starting today.

We’re building a better internet. But we can’t do it alone.   So join us on August 17th for the second-annual Medium Day   — a can’t-miss free, live,…

Top 15 Software Development Trends in 2024

The software development landscape is ever-evolving, shaped by rapid technological advancements, changing user demands, and innovative methodologies.…

Gmail’s Gemini AI sidebar and email summaries are rolling out now / Google is adding Gemini AI features for paying customers to Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Drive, too.

Gmail is getting more AI features that could make it easier to stay on top of your email. On the web, Google is beginning to roll out a new Gemini …
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